Wednesday 10 April 2019

Quick Write

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom there it was again. That noise. A scouring light sprawled
over the dark sky like a sheet on fire. I shivered and crouched lower, the wooden
beams of the mill cowering over my shivering body as though they were alive.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom the loud screeching thunder rung in my ears. A slow
breeze cackled as it went through the shattered glass of the old mills window.
Once again a bright light filled the room glowing a deathly green. I hunched
down with my mouth hanging in mid air as if I had stopped breathing. I waited -
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom. I clawed the ground and waited. By now I guessed that
the lightning was about 6 kilometres away. Outside the lightning tore at the ground
glowing up the cloudless sky. A minute went by ………    ……. a line.. a straight line
of light flung itself onto the small mill. Fizz fizz fizz, what was that. A glow filled the
room this time red……… ……… it was fire!!! Another streak of lightning whizzed
into the room my mouth froze. My body froze. The dark night was illuminated with a
green deathly glow. I screamed and screamed and screamed. My hair flew into a fire I
screamed as I rushed over to the stream near the mill. I dunked my head Into the water
staring in awe at the dark cloudless sky getting filled with lightning as though it was water.  

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