Friday 5 April 2019

The Marae

The car slid up the hill and in to a park in the parking lot at arahura Marae.
It was a school camp. We had left around 8.30 and were now arriving at our
For the last few weeks in Ms Kemp's class we had been learning more about the

We clambered out of the car. Several people were putting there bags in other
cars that would be staying for the night.
At last Ms Kemp's car pulled into a park and stopped.
Soon the whole of Room 1 and 8 walked around the side of the fence and up
to the gates.
Then all of us started singing He honore a Maori waiata ( well maybe only a
couple sang).
The gates shuddered then slowly opened. We slowly started walking along
the long path to the Whare.

Miss Ireland started singing the karanga and was replaced by a maori lady
standing at the front of the Wharenui
. We finally got to the front of the whare and the girls stepped aside to let the
take off their shoes. When we
went into the Marae I saw lots of poe and carvings on the walls and big lights
that changed colour on the roof.
One of the Tangata Whenua started to talk in their own language about the marae.
When he had finished a man that had came with us started to talk in maori back
to him.
Then we hongied all of the Tangata Whenua and left to the Wharekai to eat.
They served us pies and cake.
Later on we made sculptures of Poutini or Waitiki from a maori legend.
Poutini was a Taniwha and Waitaiki was a woman. I worked with Nathan K,
Nathan J, Xavier, Tyler, Charlie, Callan and Me and we made a sculpture of
Waitiaki. After that our dad came and took us home for the night since it was our
mothers birthday. I enjoyed the stay at Tuhuru the Marae and also enjoyed the

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