Friday 28 June 2019

Lake Daneill

On Wednesday the 14 of June, Room 1 and 8 combined, got ready for the  Lake Daniell tramp.
The cars we drove in took us all they way to reefton were we had toilet stops and then we
continued. Then the cars drove thru springs junction and into the lake daniell carpark. On the
way to the car park we listened to Crosby,Stills and Nash hits . Earlier this week we learnt
about umbles and hyperthermia.
 Soon we got out of our cars and  had a count call (thats when we were given a number and
had to yell out our number).  After that started the walk it was fun. After a while of walking we
stopped to have a snack. Soon we crossed over a gorge with a strong current. About every
30 mins we had a snack. On the walk we had to find stuff for a scavenger hunt.. After about 2
hours we arrived at the Manson and nicolas hut. The hut was under construction. We walked
up a small jetty and then had our lunch. The walk back was uneventful and soon we were back
at the carpark. I really enjoyed the walk, and it's a great walk for beginners.

Callaghns ridge

On the 11 of April 2019, Room 1 and Room 8 met in the morning and got into
car groups to leave on a tramp up Callaghans Ridge. The cars drove out of
Greymouth and drove up Callaghans Road. The drivers parked the cars and
we all got out. Soon we were walking up the ridgeline. Luckily when it started
raining we had rain jackets to protect us from the rain. We also had a scavenger
hunt to find birds and plants along the track. One of the birds on the list (a tomtit)
came right up to us just as we started the walk. Before the walk we were given a
number to remember so that the teachers could quickly see that we weren’t lost.
The track was muddy because of the rain and the ground turned to clay. At lunchtime
we stopped under the trees and had to make a shelter. My team (Dakota, Charlie,
Summer, Jackson and Me) tied three ropes holding a tarpaulin on to some trees.
When our shelter was finished we had lunch. After lunch we carried on with the walk. 

Tuesday 25 June 2019

How bees pollinate

  How Bees Pollinate

 Why do we need bees to pollinate?

The most important thing that bees do is pollinate flowers. 
If a plant is to reproduce it needs to be pollinated so that it grows
new seeds that grow into a new plant.  Many flowers produce nectar to attract bees.
When the bees push through the flower to get to the nectar the bees have to brush
past the stamens which leaves pollen on their furry coat. Then when the bees go to other
flowers the pollen on their bodies brush off on to the stigma and the pollen help make new seeds. 

Why is this important?

This is crucial because if the bee didn’t pollinate fruit and vegetables
then the fruit and vegetables won’t grow and we will have less food.
If the bees don’t pollinate the tomato plants then the tomatoes will not be able to
grow and wither away.