Wednesday 3 July 2019


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The most important thing that bees do is pollinate flowers which
  reproduce the flower or plant. The flowers need to be pollinated
so they have to attract pollinators. To attract pollinators, the flowers
have to make smells and have special colours to attract the bees.
The flowers also use nectar to attract pollinators.
Image result for flowers pollinating pngImage result for flowers pollinating

Flowers and plants need bees to reproduce. This is because
without bees to pollinate the flowers will die and not reproduce.
This means that tomatoes, pears, apples, cucumbers and peaches
will grow extinct if there flowers are not pollinated!! So now you
know why pollination is so important.


Bees need to pollinate flowers but how do they do that?

When the bees push through the flower to get to the nectar
the bees have to brush past the stamens which leaves pollen
on their furry coat. Then when the bees go to other flowers the
pollen on their bodies brush off on to the stigma and the pollen
help make new seeds. This is crucial because if the bees did
not pollinate fruit and vegetables then the fruit and vegetables
will not grow and we will have less food. If the bees don’t pollinate
the tomato plants, for example, then the tomatoes will not be able
to grow and will wither away.

Image result for flowers pollinating png


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The honey bee has a special stomach that makes honey called a crop.
This is where they keep their nectar. When the foraging Honey Bee has
collected the nectar from a flower and puts it in it’s stomach (the crop)
then a process happens in the crop which turns the sugar in the nectar
into honey.  Then when the foraging bee returns to the hive the hive
bees take the honey and spread the nectar on their long tongues to
dry the honey. When the honey is dried the bees put it in the honeycomb cells. 

Image result for bees making honeyImage result for bees making honey

              SUCCESS CRITERIA

We are learning to write an information report.

Success Criteria:
 We will plan and then write an information report on a topic of our choice related to bees.

Our report will:
  • Be interesting!
  • Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
  • Show a clear link to our planning.
  • Start with an opening statement about our topic.
  • Have at least 3 paragraphs.  Each paragraph will have an opening statement
  • and a series of facts related to that statement.
  • Include some complex or compound sentence structures.
  • Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or map to go with the text.
  • Finish with a general statement about the topic.
  • Use information from at least 3 different sources. 
  • This information will be written in our own words and we will write down
  • our sources at the end of our report.



  1. Hi Nathanael, I am Fynn from Karoro school. I chose this one because I quite like bees and there (I think) rate is dropping a lot so I thought this would be good to comment and like. have a nice day.

  2. Hi Natheneal, Breanna here. I really liked how you explained why bees are so important because I though bees just collected nectar and made honey. I really enjoyed learning about them.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.