Friday, 22 June 2018

Friday Cooking

This Friday we could choose what we wanted to make. My team chose nachos. We had to bring something for the recipe. I brought chilli beans.
My team was Korban, Charlie, Phoebe, Lily and Nathanael (me). Here are some photos

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Toanga Puoro Reading Term Two 2018

Space Time line Reading Task

Space timeline Reading tasks.

Term 2 Weeks 5-6

Purpose of this reading activity is to: increase our knowledge of space
exploration and understand how our knowledge and ideas about space
have changed over time (science). We are also learning to read non-fiction
texts and use our writing skills to share our understanding of this topic and
our ideas (literacy). Throughout this task we will need to use the skills of
‘Thinking’ and using ‘Language, Symbols and Text.’

Learning Intentions
I am learning to skim and scan text to identify the main ideas.
I am learning to locate the key sentences and questions in texts.
I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
I am learning to summarise the main ideas in the texts I read.
(from the Karoro Programme of work for Reading)

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can show….
-I have have scanned text to find key ideas.
-I have summarised the main ideas from the reading.
-I have put my answers in chronological order.


We are looking at using non-fiction text to increase our knowledge in our science topic;
SPACE. Your aim is to read and understand the timeline reading and use this knowledge to complete
the reading activity below.

First, Read the timeline cards. Click here for the space timeline pdf

Second, We will discuss what you have read. This will be a good time to ask questions about
anything you are unsure of.

Third, do your reading tasks.

Fourth, complete your reading activity. Remember to proofread, check spelling and punctuation.
Then do a self assessment and a peer assessment. Check it with a teacher.

Reading Activity

View and read the space timeline on the classroom walls.
Think about how how our theories/ideas and understandings
about the universe and Earth’s place in it has changed over time.

Answer the following questions.
Your answers need to be full sentences.
After you have answered all the questions please put them in
chronological order (time order, oldest first)

5) What are two things that Galileo discovered?Galileo found Jupiter's moons
and different phases of Venus in 1610.

9) Who discovered the first asteroid?
 Giuseppe Piazzi was the first person to find an asteroid.(1801)

2) What was Sputnik 1?
A Russia space satellite the first that went to space in 1957.

3) In what year was NASA founded? And what does NASA mean?
NASA was founded in 1958 and NASA means National Aeronautics Space

6) Who was the first woman in space? And where was she from?
The first women in space was Valentina Tereshkova and she was
a Russian (1963).

4)Where did Mariner 4 fly past? The Mariner 4 flew past Mars in 1965.

7) In what year did apollo 11 land on the moon?
The Apollo 11 landed on the Moon at the year 1969.

10) What country launched Voyager probes 1 and 2 into deep space?   
  America was the country that sent the Voyager 1 to space. (N.A.S.A 1977)     

8) What happened that led to all space shuttles being grounded for 3 years?  
The Challenger space shuttle blowing up.(1986)

11) When was the international space station completed?
The ISS was finished in 2010. (1986)

1)How long did it take for the Cassini probe to arrive at Saturn?
The Cassini probe took about 7 years to get to Saturn in 2004.

12) What was interesting about New Horizons information about Pluto?
Data sent to the Earth showed that Pluto is fifty miles larger than was first
thought. (2015)

After reading this information...

  1. Who do you think made the biggest contribution to our understanding
  2. of space? Why? (summarising key ideas)

I think Galileo did the biggest contribution to our understanding
`in space because he found many moons and planets. I think
Galileo made the biggest contribution to our space knowledge

because he found those planets and moons which we now cal
l our Solar System .  Galileo also helped by inventing a telescope
which helped us see things in space which has helped us know it
is not just a black blob but a planet holder.

    2) What do you think was the most important machine or invention
in helping us investigate space? Why? (summarising key ideas)  
The voyager 1 would be the best. It has been climbing through space for a
long time and has been doing lots of experiments up in space.

    3) What would you like to investigate about space? Why?

Nothing really because I have learnt a lot already but I would Like to know
what type of rocket engine a space plane has.
Self and Peer Assessment.

Image result for students working together cartoon images

Self and Peer Assessment
Success Criteria

I will be successful when I can show….
-I have have scanned text to find key ideas.
-I have summarised the main ideas from the reading.

- I have put my answers in chronological order.

Success criteria 1: I have have scanned text to find key ideas
(I have been able to answer the questions).
                          Achieved well      Achieved some Achieved little     Not achieved

My partner

Success criteria 2: -I have summarised the main ideas from the reading.
                          Achieved well      Achieved some Achieved little     Not achieved

My partner

Success criteria 3: I have put my answers in correct chronological order.
                          Achieved well      Achieved some Achieved little     Not achieved

My partner

Friday, 15 June 2018

Cooking on Friday

This Friday we cooked vegetable soup and cheese scones
My group was Nathan Tyler and Rhys.

Here are some photos.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Planet Writing (Praefeci)

Create and Describe Your Own Planet -

Description writing task
Term 2 Weeks 5-6

Purpose of this piece of writing is to:

Learning Intentions
I am learning to use language features to make
my writing interesting and engaging for the reader.
I am learning to use topic-specific vocabulary.
I am learning to include Te Reo Māori words in my writing.

I will be successful when I can show….
-I have used some language features to make my
writing interesting and engaging (simile, metaphor,
alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme)
-I have carefully chosen some topic specific words
to include in my writing.
-I have used some Te Reo Māori


We are continuing to look at descriptive writing. This week you are writing a descriptive
piece of writing to promote your imaginary planet. You aim is to convince people to move
to your planet. You want your writing to allow the reader to be able to imagine what it is like
on your planet.

First, we will look at an excerpt of a video describing the moon from the Avatar movie.
Click here to get to video= Pandora.

Second, we will discuss together what you will need in your work to make it successful
and look at how to plan our work. Then you will plan your work and check with a teacher
before you start writing.

Third, do your piece of writing.

Fourth, complete you piece of writing. Remember to proof-read (check spelling and punctuation) and
edit (does it make sense? do you need to change any sentences?) yourself and with a buddy and fill in
your self and peer-assessment. Check it with a teacher.

MY writing.



Praefeci is a unahiroa(comet) in the Illud galaxy it orbits the planet Richthofen which goes
around the three suns in 7 Earth years. It is in the Colls Spur Solar System the smallest
in the Illud galaxy it is in the  Consensi cluster of three comets (one of them isPraefeci ) and
seven meteors. It's galaxy is 897 light years from our sun and has collided once in 4,923,743
years.Praefeci  is an icy, hot, scary, tropical planet it has 17 animals but only 7 have
been found by the N.A.S.A space droids. There is a very small oxygen blanket over
the forests made by the the Polsem tribe. Humans can not breath unless they are near
the Polsem burrows in the forests. The left part of the comet is inhabited by Spullspurs little
100 eyed fat aliens that breathe sulphur they do not live in a forest but on floating rocks in the
side ice sea (the only water in the whole of the illud galaxy). The comet has five mysterious rocks
that act as moons but are too small to even fit melbourne !! The comet has been split into 5 different
places the grassy deserts the forests the red hot clay deserts (home to Coreos little fat round 1 eyed
8 armed alien) the dropping land with hanging rocks and the ice plains with the ice sea.

The comet Praefeci is home to many aliens 17 to be exact but only 7 found they are the
Sollmacess, Donolakells and Porfectess all live in the forest with the  Polsem .
The Spullspurs and the Stollwhale live in the freezing ice plains.  The lone tribe of the coreos live far
in the heart of the clay desert. All the animals and aliens live in peace in their own land but have been
disturbed by the  N.A.S.A droids. There have been lots of war against the droids and the Polsem
because of the Polsems galactic skin and there oxygen they are getting hāmate (killed) by the droids.
The droids have been fighting the Coreos in the clay desert to mine the clay and the Spullspurs and the
Stollwhales live in pace because it is too cold for droids where they live.

Humans want to go to Praefeci to kill the people (Polsem ) to get the skin and oxygen in the body. Three
animals out of the seven are tame they are the Sollmacess, Donakalls and Porfectess. Mankind have
tried to get to Praefeci but have only sent droids. The  N.A.S.A Space Center have been building big
helicopters to go to Praefeci but remain on earth all the same.
People should go there (wehn  N.A.S.A figures out how to) to see the tropical forest and to go to
Richtofen or to see the animals. Praefeci is quite beautiful if there is peace but there is only peace in the
cold ice plains.   

by Nathanael