Wednesday 10 April 2019

Quick Write

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom there it was again. That noise. A scouring light sprawled
over the dark sky like a sheet on fire. I shivered and crouched lower, the wooden
beams of the mill cowering over my shivering body as though they were alive.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom the loud screeching thunder rung in my ears. A slow
breeze cackled as it went through the shattered glass of the old mills window.
Once again a bright light filled the room glowing a deathly green. I hunched
down with my mouth hanging in mid air as if I had stopped breathing. I waited -
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooom. I clawed the ground and waited. By now I guessed that
the lightning was about 6 kilometres away. Outside the lightning tore at the ground
glowing up the cloudless sky. A minute went by ………    ……. a line.. a straight line
of light flung itself onto the small mill. Fizz fizz fizz, what was that. A glow filled the
room this time red……… ……… it was fire!!! Another streak of lightning whizzed
into the room my mouth froze. My body froze. The dark night was illuminated with a
green deathly glow. I screamed and screamed and screamed. My hair flew into a fire I
screamed as I rushed over to the stream near the mill. I dunked my head Into the water
staring in awe at the dark cloudless sky getting filled with lightning as though it was water.  

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Complex Sentence Paragraph

“Look! Look down there!” His voice could just about be heard above the sound
of the aeroplane’s engine and the shrieking wind in their ears.
“Can you see it?”  On top of the wing the two boys looked down struggling to
see because of the wind. Mike looked and could just manage to see a big frigate
bird below them . The boys craned their necks to see the bird. A heap of melon
sharks jumping around in the water below and chasing the fish in the sea below
the frigate bird..  By this time a bunch of security guards were walking over the
top of the plane when suddenly a big gust of wind from the engines swooshed
through the air and hit the boys on the back. The boys struggled to stay on the
wing of the plane. Both boys held onto the ailerons and held on for dear life.
Soon the Men got closer and hauled the boys up onto the wing. Mike and the
other boy were taken in side the plane and told off for stowing away on the wing of the plane.

In Room 1 we have been learning about prepositions and clauses.
In this piece of writing the yellow words are the prepositions.
Here is some writing we had to do about looking down.

Reading Tasks 2019

Throughout the last few weeks in Room 1
 we have been doing reading tasks about a certain story.
This week we have been asked to make a reflection.

I read the story "Giving it a Shot" In my opinion the story didn't make much sense really because all it was was Lauren and her dad arguing about whether Lauren should be a shot putter or a runner because Lauren had came third in the running race but her dad said she could have came first.  I think that her dad wanted Lauren to be a runner because maybe he had been a runner when he was a kid. Also when Lauren finally gave in she didn't seem any happier.
The pictures for the story looked like bits of magazines glued together to make a deformed face.

Friday 5 April 2019

The Marae

The car slid up the hill and in to a park in the parking lot at arahura Marae.
It was a school camp. We had left around 8.30 and were now arriving at our
For the last few weeks in Ms Kemp's class we had been learning more about the

We clambered out of the car. Several people were putting there bags in other
cars that would be staying for the night.
At last Ms Kemp's car pulled into a park and stopped.
Soon the whole of Room 1 and 8 walked around the side of the fence and up
to the gates.
Then all of us started singing He honore a Maori waiata ( well maybe only a
couple sang).
The gates shuddered then slowly opened. We slowly started walking along
the long path to the Whare.

Miss Ireland started singing the karanga and was replaced by a maori lady
standing at the front of the Wharenui
. We finally got to the front of the whare and the girls stepped aside to let the
take off their shoes. When we
went into the Marae I saw lots of poe and carvings on the walls and big lights
that changed colour on the roof.
One of the Tangata Whenua started to talk in their own language about the marae.
When he had finished a man that had came with us started to talk in maori back
to him.
Then we hongied all of the Tangata Whenua and left to the Wharekai to eat.
They served us pies and cake.
Later on we made sculptures of Poutini or Waitiki from a maori legend.
Poutini was a Taniwha and Waitaiki was a woman. I worked with Nathan K,
Nathan J, Xavier, Tyler, Charlie, Callan and Me and we made a sculpture of
Waitiaki. After that our dad came and took us home for the night since it was our
mothers birthday. I enjoyed the stay at Tuhuru the Marae and also enjoyed the

The beach cookout

Room one and Room eight left the school at 5 past 11 to the beach for a beach cookout. With us were Ms Kemp, Mrs Glue and Mrs Mclean. In the group that I worked in was Dakota, Charlie, Summer and Me. Our parent was Tim Robbins Dakotas Father. The parents for the other groups were Angnus, Craig and Matt.
We made a pyramid shaped campfire with kindling then we put bigger wood on to the kindling and then we put tinder (Old Mans Beard and Gorse) inside the pyramid campfire. After we finished making our campfire we lit it. Soon the flames were really high and we started preparing our meal.
We made Taty Fry with potatoes, onion and herbs cooked all together. Our group wandered around other groups and waited until our fire went down to ashes and then we started to cook our food on the fires ashes . Soon the food was ready for us to eat , it was nice. After eating our main course we started to stir the pancake mix together for an after snack. Charlie and Summer went down to Watsons Creek to clean our utensils. Soon we were eating our pancakes with maple syrup. I really enjoyed cooking and eating the food we made.