Tuesday 27 November 2018

20 November 2018     

Dear  Rowan,
Thank you for coming to camp with us and being able to help us on the tramp.
Thank you for also helping with the dinners. MY favourite  dinner was the nachos.
I also liked squawk squad.  

My Favourite activity was the tramp. It was really fun but it was long.
I liked the grasslands but I got lots of scratches and itches. I also liked
walking in the bush. I the enjoyed river crossing because It was fun,
but cold when we walked through it.

My second favourite activity was probably finding Brian.
I was one of the stretcher makers and had to make a stretcher to carry
Cailan through Arthur's pass township. I liked going to find the clues.

I also liked doing squawk squad. I found a lot of clues by using the map.
Our animal we had to find was the kea and Milan found it.

Thank you for coming on camp and helping with the activities.

Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely Nathanael Parsons

Monday 26 November 2018

Enlargment of ismetric drawing.

This is my Enlargement with a scale factor of two.

Models (10 multilink cubes)

This term with Mrs Wylde we are learning hot to draw 3 D models.
 Here is my model that I made and the drawings I did

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Monday 5 November 2018

Descriptive Writing

For the last few days we have been doing descriptive quick writes and using pictures to give us writing prompts. I have been using the same charterer for mine.
For more information go to Abandoned places quick write.

Smokey City

The blades from the black Nh90 helicopter whirred above Me. I was ready to  tūpeke (jump). My name is Eric Hanson and I work for the U.S.A.F. I had been sent to an abandoned city in the east of Chile.
I jumped from the toparere ( Helicopter)and free falled down to a crumbly, concrete, ghost City. The big City Smelled of petrol and dust and really didn’t want to stay up. The big buildings loomed above the forest that had grown up in the streets. It was creepy and smelly and there was no way it could became a city again. Every single street was filled with trees. The doors of the buildings had been cleared so you could get inside but it would never be a city.The grey buildings were filled with cracks and creaked under the weight of themselves. I thought they sounded like Major Harris groaning when he had his leg amputated.  I fiddled with a lock and pulled up a heavy concrete door that was in the ground. I held on to the rusty old ladder and walked slowly to an underground bunker. Aarrgghh. Below the ground it Stunk of mortar, solphar and petrol plus a big ball of gas coughing I hurried through a passage and rushed up another ladder Smash!!! I tripped over a table and fell into the dusty wall. I was in what looked like a big spy base. There were lines of computers on tables all through the big hall.

Suddenly I saw carpenters rebuilding the buildings outside and big skyscrapers looking into the sky. There were billboards everywhere the streets were full and bustling with people. Wait this didn’t seem right a few minutes ago the city was crumbling to bits and there was nowhere near lots of people down there. But now it was full. I stumbled backwards and fell on a big machine which fell to the ground and smashed. At once the city was old and crumbley again and someone was yelling at me. After I got out of trouble I went outside to have a look around. There were lines and lines of buildings all old and falling to bits. They smelt disgusting and I noticed the every building door wasn’t old in fact they were all new and well used by the Air force. The apartments were old and stuffy. Well just forgotten. Half of the city was smashed and smoked with heat. It seemed that the thing that happened had just happened.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

The Ruru Information Report


                                                                What it is.
The Ruru is the NZ native owl. Like most owls, the Ruru can fly silently past because of their
flight feathers.

 Moreporks are plump fluffy birds with white spots all over their brown body. Moreporks are speckled
brown with orange/yellow eyes set in a dark face.
They have a short stubby tail. The female Moreporks are taller than the males.

Social behavior and habitats.
Moreporks are good at hearing and are very sensitive to light.
The Morepork is found in open habitats in the South and North Islands.
The rising 'quee' call is often mistaken for a kiwi’s shrill call. Moreporks are widely distributed
throughout the native forests of New Zealand.

More about the Ruru.
Moreporks are nocturnal, hunting at night for their food. Moreporks eat beetles, moths, weta, and
Moreporks fly silently as they have soft fringes on the edge of their wing feathers. They catch prey
using their large sharp claws or their beak.
By day they roost in trees or in thick vines. If they are visible during the day they can get mobbed
by other birds and are forced to move.

Monday 17 September 2018

Monday 10 September 2018

Change your ways!!!

InfographicImage result for recycling symbols
Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4

Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative
of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution

Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help
  • our environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can reduce their
waste in their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4Image result for recycling symbols

Turning Old into New


Science/Social Science learning goals Image result for plastic pollution
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive
impact our actions can have on these environments.

Success criteria;

  • identify and explain some of the issues facing our environment today
  • identify some of the negative impacts humans are having on the environment
  • identify some positive actions people are taking both here and around the world to try
  • and help look after our environment.  
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our
  • environment.
  • learn about our local bush track and creek and identify some ways in which we can
  • help to look after (kaitiakitanga) these areas.

Reading Learning Goals

-I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
-I am learning to use illustrations, text boxes, charts and graphs to help me make inferences
so I get more information from the text.
-I am learning to use more than one text, in print or electronic formats, to gather and check
the accuracy of information.
-I am learning to read a wide range of texts (e.g. encyclopaedias, websites, newspapers)
 to gather and check information on a topic.
-I am learning to explain why the author has written a text.
-I am learning to read and understand text that contains academic and topic-specific vocabulary.

Read the text, ‘Turning Old Into New’ and then complete the following activities.

  1. Why is recycling a good idea?  Because it reduces pollution and saves money.
  2. It's also a good idea because some of our most prized possessions are made
  3. for materials that can't be replaced and some of those materials are running out.

  1. How many tons of rubbish do New Zealanders send to landfills every year?
  2. Two point five million.
  3. When rubbish breaks down what gas does it produce?
  4.  What environmental problem does this contribute to? It contributes
  5. to global warming because it produces methane.

  1. Complete this sentence:  Everything we use is made from
Earths_________        Natural___________ Resources_____________

  1. Explain where these resources come from;

Wood: trees and plants.

Metal: Metal comes from rocks.

Plastic: plastic is made of oil.

6) How does oil form? Oil forms from the remains of plants and animals that lived
millions of years ago. When they die the plants and animals were covered by mud
and sand. Over  millions of years months and built up and layers and turned into rock.
The heat and pressure from the rock turn the plant and animal matter into oil and gas.
There's a limited amount of oil available making it a non renewable resource. This means
that plastic is non-renewable to some experts predict that we could run out of oil in 50 years.
So we need to get better at using what we already have.   

7) What are some of the things glass can be recycled into?Glass can be recycled in New
Zealand; it's melted down into very high temperatures and turned into jars and bottles. Some
gets turned into glasscrete or glassphalt which is used to make roads. It can also be ground
down into soft sand in added to the sports fields to drain away water.

8) What are some of the things cardboard can be recycled into? Cardboard can also
be recycled in New Zealand and turned into newsprint writing paper, toilet paper, and
egg cartons.

9) What can plastic with the number 1 be recycled into? Plastic can be recycled into soft
drink, bottles, pillows, and sleeping bag fillings, carpet and clothing. That means plastic from drink bottles with the number one on them can be recycled and turned into clothing.

10)  Attach a google drawing here that explains how number 1 plastics can be turned into
clothing. Not yet.

11) What are microfibres and what is the problem with them? Microfibres are little fibres
that are swept out to sea and are disturbing sea life.

12) What is Earth Overshoot day?Earth overshoot day is a concept created by the global
footprint Network. It Marks the date each year when people have used all the resources the
planet can remake in that year.

Glossary - Write what these words mean.  

Atoms: The smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself would be combined
with other atoms to form a molecule.
Carded: (relating to fibres)
Gned in the same direction.

Global Warming: A gradual increase in Earth's average temperature due to increased levels
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Malt: Barley or other grain that has been used for brewing beer.

Natural resources: materials found in nature that can be used by people such  air, water,
plants, animals, and rocks.

Synthetic: something chemicals

In class we will be working on projects looking at issues around rubbish and what we can
do to help reduce this problem.  

Video Links

Wednesday 1 August 2018

How Maui Tamed The Sun

Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups to practise and perform
a play. This is using our oral language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.

For writing your task is to summarise the main events in your play in three
paragraphs. You must plan your writing first but it is up to you how you do
your planning.  You must also write a fourth paragraph about your experience
of practising and performing your play.

Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with a main idea and contain
supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.

Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related and

where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g. colons : and semi-colons ; ,
and parentheses ().

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success criteria green if you have met them
and can show them in your work. Highlight green in your work where you have met these
success criteria.

                              \ Maui And The Sun /

In the start of this story there was a demigod named Maui. Maui’s brothers would sit around a
fire at night and complain about the short days. Maui’s brothers complained about : The day
being to short to go fishing, not being able to hunt for food in the dark, and the day being to
short to do chores. One day Maui said to his brothers I can tame the sun.

In the second part of this story Maui talked to his family and friends, Friends and family I am
going to tame the sun, please can you help collect flax for me to make ropes with”. Finally
Maui and the villagers had lots of flax. They all sat down and started weaving the flax into ropes.
Maui said a magical karakia to make the ropes very strong. Then Maui walked with his brothers
to the place where the sun rose.

In the third part of the story Maui arrived at the place where the sun rose and hid. When the sun
rose Maui's brothers threw the net over the sun and caught it but Maui knew the net would not
hold the sun so he hit its nose with the magic jawbone. Finally the sun gave up and said he
would go slowly through the sky for the rest of its life and that is how Maui slowed the sun.

When my group did the play I was the Narrator and we did -
                           How Maui Tamed The Sun}
I liked the props our team brought (I liked the jawbone the best). We all had something to bring
or to do and our play went quite well. Next time I would like to not do the play with scripts but
I think I should still stay with the script and start putting on voices and maybe learn to stay still.
As a team most of the time we argued about what to do but we got there in the end.